Zebra ransomware stopper
Be ready when ransomware strikes
Ransomware is a type of malicious software that typically encrypts data until a ransom payment is made. The increasing frequency of ransomware attacks have made them a top concern for business leaders.
The damage ransomware causes goes beyond the ransom payment, and can infect every aspect of your business. Here is a highlight of damages your company can expect as a result of a ransomware attack.
Lost Productivity
To prevent further ransomware infection and reverse damage, your organization will need to redirect a lot of productivity.
Costly Downtime
Think about how much your business will lose as a result of taking systems offline to recover from a ransomware attack.
Damaged Client Ops
A ransomware attack can damage both your physical and digital supply chains. Ransomware can also damage business relationships.
Reputation Damage
It is difficult for a business to recover clients' lost trust after a ransomware attack. Most will switch and never look back.
Direct Financial Loss
Ransom payments typically exceed thousands of dollars. The highest ransom payout ever currently tops $40 million.
IP Loss
A Ransomware attack can cause the loss of intellectual property such as product designs, prospecting results, and marketing material.
More Viruses
If a malicious actor got into your system and encrypted files, who knows what else they installed or modified on your system.
Regulation Violation
Ransomware can make your business non-compliant with privacy regulation like GDPR. And non-compliance fines can be costly.
The steps Zebra Ransomware Stopper takes to defend your system.
Quick Deploy
Zebra Ransomware Stopper is deployed in minutes. At that time, decoy files are written with the goal of drawing ransomware that infiltrates the system

User Alerted
The system owner is alerted to a potential ransomware attack. They will be presented with a pop-up prompt asking to confirm if they began an encryption process. If the answer is no, or there is no response, the threat is considered to be a ransomware attack.

Encryption Stopped
After ransomware has been confirmed, Zebra Ransomware Stopper isolates the process, shuts it off and ends the encryption process. This isolates and stops the ransomware.

System Shutdown
infected system is shutdown to prevent further spread.

No. Zebra Ransomware Stopper is a last line of defense, meaning that it is activated once ransomware has infected a system and begins to encrypt files. You should consult a cybersecurity expert on other precautions you will need to take as well as services that can prevent ransomware from infecting a system in the first place.
Strongly communicating to staff security proceedures and having a strong firewall and anti-virus in place is an excellent start.
Once installed, Zebra Ransomware Stopper requires little interaction. The software operates passively in the background while your server or desktop perform normal tasks. Rarely will you need to manage or monitor ZRS.
There is no guarantee your system will succesfully repel all ransomware. However, Zebra Ransomware Stopper has a history or operating affectively on other systems and its effectiveness can be demonstrated. PLease see this video demonstration to get an idea of how effectively ZRS repels an extremely fast-acting ransomware. Watch ZRS stop a live encryption process.
Contact a solutions expert to geta demo!